viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

ch. m?

Feel special, this is for you "ch. m", the anonymous guy (I hope it's a guy!) who made a comment on my blog the other day kinda telling me his 'feelings' for me. I have no idea who you are, if I know you in real life or not, but it's ok, I'm not scared (although it was weird!) I laughed when I read it haha I have sense of humor :)
I'm sorry I didn't make it public, but you commented on my "Guíame a la cruz" entrance, and I thought it would be a little bit inappropriate and...weird? haha :)
Anyways, I don't know why I'm doing this, maybe I just love to write? who knows...
Have a nice day?


ps. I wrote it in english bc you did it first (it doesn't mean that your english was perfect haha ok, that was mean, sorry :D)

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